Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Good News

Today I received a phone call from my nephew in Indiana.  He has been diagnosed with aspergers syndrome. He was accepted at Marion College.  I think he also was awarded a scholarship -  Wow, this is so exciting.  The phrase it takes a village to raise a child comes to my mind.  Nick would not be here today if it wasn't for the wonderful teachers, counselors, church contacts, boy scouts, and especially his parents.  I have seen his maturity over the last years of high school.  I am glad there was a college who saw his improvement over the last four years.  Yeah for Nick!!!

Traveling has brought me a wonderful cold so I feel like I have cotton in my ears.  I never heard my husband come home from work at 1 am.  He was using a tester and from 7 to midnight was their time to test.  Of course that was after working a full day.  He finds many mistakes being made when engineers are directed to work fast.  I also wonder about their cognitive abilities after so few hours of sleep day after day.  Is this the example parents was to show their children?  Do we have a sweatshop here in the US? This company has been around for 30 years.  Is it time to stop acting like a start up?  I wonder what the turnover is with this company.  So far there have just been two deaths by engineers jumping off the parking structure.  I wonder how many more will jump before the company thinks they have a problem.

I have not heard from my graphic designer on my new schedule for my web page.  She now has a full time job so it will be more complicated.

I hope to recover from my cold quickly.  I had a great time in Florida seeing my parents.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Return from Naples, FL

I am in the Dallas Airport waiting for my flight back to San Diego.  I received an email from my web designer.  She wants to finish the project.  I was suppose to finish in December but three skiing trips and one trip to visit my parents but a dent in my time.  I have decided I need to work on my business on a daily basis.

Running your business from your home means you can always find something to do other than work. I do that a lot.  First I have been working on a photo album for my grandson.  I try to do at least two pages per day.  I also take time out to walk my dogs.  I also am trying to fit in exercising.  I always try to find an excuse to not do that but I feel to be the best I need to  be in great shape myself.

I am in charge of the Day of Service Project for Point Loma which is happening June 1. I am working with the community as well as the church on this.  It is exciting but requires discipline  to keep on top of it.  Currently we have monthly meeting but it will be ramping up.  I also said I would do the treasure job for the Point Loma Association.  It will be great to meet the people of my community.  So I hope this helps my business in the end.

Currently I have one student I tutor.  I also try to work as a sub one day a week.  I just wonder how I raised three children, worked full time and attended school.  I was involved with scouts, church choirs, soccer teams, swim teams.  I am busy now but I have no idea how I did it all then.

To Do List:

  1. Figure out how to do Hoots..
  2. Find out how to do newsletters on line.
  3. Pass out three business cards per week to people I know.
Now the announcement went on that there is a gate change for my San Diego departure. :)