Last week went very fast. I spent Monday at a local middle school. The new model in San Diego is for co-teachers to teach classes with special needs students. I found this does not really happen. I sat and watched a teacher teach English 7. She was terrific but all I did was help two students with special needs. Then I went to a Math 7 class where again I sat and watched a teacher teach. He gave the answers to the homework but did not show how the problems were worked out. I think it would greatly benefit those who missed one to see the steps show on the overhead. He asked does anyone need help? No one responds. Would you want to tell the class you did not get the right answer.
Then I had another math class taught by a teacher who goes rather fast. His lecture was to do the problems in the text. He did not allow processing time. He yelled at a few boys whose writing was messy and not neat. I told him having students use graph paper to line up the numbers was helpful. He just said that the special education teacher can do what she wants with her students. I thought his might be helpful for some of the general education students.
Then I had 1/2 for lunch and then I was able to teach a class called advising. This is where students do homework or read. Many students like to waste time in this class. Then I had 5th period off which I used to write notes to the teacher and look for other sub jobs as well as check my San Diego Unified email. The next period I watch another teacher in English 7. I walk around to help where I can but it did not seem like he had great classroom management skills. I think I am improving on how to evaluate teachers...
Tuesday and Wednesday were spent in the east part of San Diego. Here I taught English to special needs 6th graders for periods 3 and 4. Again the rest of the time I just watch other teachers. It is a bit boring. I walked around with an student with 'autism' and found him to be delightful. I think he is a bit bored in the class of 35 students. English is his least favorite subject. He is very bright but squirms all over in his chair. He is not being rude, just bored.
Thursday I had a chance to go back to the school I taught at on Monday but already made plans to be at home. I made cookies, took the dogs to the dog park, worked at church and finished the mission project and started the editing of the database to match the changes in the new directory.
Friday morning I was up at 5:30 with the dogs and found an assignment at my Monday school, so I just took it. 8:30 to 3:45 pm I wonder if there are any students here that would benefit from my tutoring. I need to make up a flyer and work on my web page.
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