Thursday, August 28, 2014

Interesting News on Brain Synapses and Autism

In the article "Study Finds That Brains With Autism Fail to Trim Synapses as they Develop" by Pam Belluck in the New York Times 8/22/14, scientists discovered an effect inform studying brains of children with autism.

They found, "malfunctions in the system of clearing out old and degraded cells, a process called autophagy".  A child is born with many  synapses or connectivity in the brain.  As a child grows, the brain lowers these synapses.  Scientist found that children with autism had too many synapses.  This could be causing the noise sensitivity, flapping, etc.

"If all parts of the brain  talk to all parts of the brain, all you will get is noise."  This might be one of the causes of autism.

Now the real research begins as what we can do to intervene help reduce the synapses.