Saturday, September 30, 2017

Life Happens!

I have not been blogging here in quite some time.  But great things have been happening.  I now work at a school close to me.  I have great students and staff to work with.  I have a new student teacher, Carly.  Next week two first-year students start their journey toward obtaining their special education credential.

I have the opportunity to go into general education classes and set them up with google docs.  I help the teachers and the students become more familiar with it.  I also teach them how to use google read-write extension.

I also am a resource of how to make your iPad work with ST Math.  Students come into my room for help.  I took the plunge this year and wrote a grant on and wow, I have two grants funded already.

My students love their wobble chair and bouncy chair.  I love my new book cart and movable white board.  We have 12 students learning phonics in my room every day.

My tutoring business is still doing well. I currently work 4 hours a week and find that is doable.  I am involved at my church with choir, bells and prayer quilts.  I am involved with the community with La Playa Trail - a historical group in Point Loma.

I have two grandsons, 8 and 4 and another grandchild on the way.  I still enjoy skiing, boogie boarding and walking my dogs.  There never seems to be enough time for everything.  But life is good.